shafiq hanif

K E N G K A W A N shafiq hanif

Sunday, January 30, 2011

AKU nak balik P E N A N G

aku bersemangat.. tak tido sampai keesok pagi untuk amik bas pulang ke BANDAR halaman aku pulau pinang.... ahhaha..
my days kat TAMAN Univerity agak ok walaupun semua rommies dah pulang ke KAMPUNg halaman...
THANKS ALIAS sebab teman aku.. haha.. aku takowt la "BLOODY MARRIE"

ALIAS thanked me:
"tima kasih sebab provide dia 2 packets of CINTAN meggi and 2 packets of NESCAFE.."
its ok la alias.. nak habiskan stok.. takut lipas yang makan...

aku nak cakap minggu nie adalah minggu TERBAIK dalam hidup aku.......
thanks to ALLAH.. for what HE gave me... freinds,family and someone do care bout me...
"en. alias... keep the secret please" hahhaha

sebelum balik... aku banyak luang kan masa ngan kawan baik aku.. dan banyak luangkan masa untuk describe diri aku untuk seseorang.. hahahaha...

all my friend do play UNOing alot.. dont forget all urs assigment

ajim : thanks 4 da payung... the earliest left the room..
Syuc : balik practise suara... teran sampai keluar... jantan sat.. ahakss
alias :  dont try to hard... PERFECT is borink

Friday, January 21, 2011

G A M E S till late night..

we did nothings... all of us just played UNO and LIFE bord games... hurm..
tommorow no classes and kinda da boring week for me.. doing some reasearch and mathemathics tutorial..  hope can get aong with it in this free time...

we just spend time together... felt totally borink and clueless lo. hahha..

MISSINg P E N A N G... alots

Thursday, January 20, 2011

M i n g g u paling s**l dalam hidup aku...

hurm... aku mulakan dengan assalamualaikum... firstly aku nak mintak maaf sebab aku guna ayat S I A L untuk describe minggu aku nie... memang sial sangat. bukan nak merungut atau aper.. biasa lah dah takdir kita macam nie.. tapi yang aku kesal semua yang berlaku mungkin desebabkan oleh K E C U A I A N aku sendiri...
lately, aku semakin cuai dan kuat berangan.. entah;

my mum selalu kater :
for sure my mum wont said what u read on the pic up there..
she said
"shafiq, semakin lalai and kuat berangan..baik berhenti daydreaming and keep focus on your study"
ahakss... this dialogue every mum on this worlds used it la...

ok.. back to the main things.. naper aku kata aku cuai dan lalai.. sebab kecuaian aku.. aku kehilang my on PHONE.. my PINKIE... aku kehilangan barang kesayangan aku... barang yang aku paling sayang.. ke toilet pown aku bawak kowt... I MISS her so mUCH...
"kepada sesiapa yang mencuri.. HIDUP korang tak selamat.. u just stoled my phone.. and i wont stop pray for u to lost everything that u have in this world"
aku tau salah aku.. tapi hilang kat library.. aku tak sangka ada juga budak UNIVERSITI perangai macam nie... gosh!! take the stealer out from my campus... sucks..

nevermind.. benda yang dah hilang apa yang aku leh buat.. so jangan lalai lagik.. haha..

last night.. S H E E M A suhaimi just called me.. and i was totally miss her alot.. 
up there is the one of her pic.. she is one of my bestfreind forever.. 
she callled me out to tall me that she had to organise futsal tournament at her universiti...
do that sound great... sulutttt sama lu la shemaa..
kinda miss her.. we talked around more than half an hour...

topics did we talked:
1. wei.. nak dengar citer terbaru N A J J A...
2. sheema P O L A R I S camera  (i want it)
3. C A N O N and photobucket..
4. own life S T O R I E S

i totally miss both of them.. keep laughing in the class when us studied at MATRICULATION collage.. "secrets to solve"

i realised something.. i really need my friend to talk.. cause i kinda feel so lonely lo.. 
aku tak paham sebab aper.. aku macam rindu seseorang jer.. tapi aku tak tahu saper... hurm.. aku perlukan kawan... aku bukan broken hearted.. tapi aku keseorangan la.. ahakss..
geli la ayat nie..

ada kawan baru leh aku lupakan.. masa cuti tue aku dah gaduh ngan kawan aku.. my best friend sendiri....
A Y O I & K H A L I S... aku mintak maaf. aku sayang korang sangat... aku marah korang.. tapi aku sayang korang la.. aku tak suka gaduh tapi aku cepat marah.. so aku mintak maaf sesangat.. maafkan aku erk... boleh tak korang maafkan aku... kall aku jika ada masa lapang... aku rindu korang sesangat... please maafkan aku...

aku tahu mereka akan maafkan aku.. sebab mereka adalah kawan aku tok selamnya.. 
*handset ilang
*assigment bertimbun
*kepala serabut..

tue yang aku perlu hadapi.. so..
"shafiq hanif.. ko kena jadi kuat"

Sunday, January 9, 2011

H I D U P aku dan kengkawan aku for the first week of 2nd sems..

fuhhhh.. blog berabuk lagik..
haha haha.. bukannya per sebab hal pendaftaran sems 2 yang begitu memeningkan... 
one WORD i can only describe is FKASS totally I D I O T...
start sems mesti akan ada problem pendaftaran.. 
clashes class.. repeated subject(excluding me).. and lecturer yang BUSAN..
hahahha.. yang tue jer yang aku leh katakan..

bukan stakat nie jer.. banyak lagi masalah untuk kami la.. setakat pendaftaran tak lah mencabar sangat.. yang paling mencabar adalah..
POKET kami dah SENGKET la.. P O K A I la... mana nak songlap nie..
nasib baik la aku ada parents yang aku sayang.. hahaha..
PTPTN... nama nak bagik duit pown lambat.. kami bayar balik la...
bukan nya dapat FREE.. TING TONG tul...

bagi aku.. kami semua tetap bernasib baik...
walaupun pendaftaran yang memenatkan, duit yang kian sengkek dan masalah repeated subject(excluding me).. kita patut bersyukur.

 sebab one of my BEST FRIEND kehilangan orang yang paling di sayang.. 
marilah kita sesama sedekahkan AL-FATIHAH pada ibu AZIM yang telah meningal dunia..
moga rohnya berada di tempat orang orang yang beriman...

me and ajim..

ajim.. sabar key.. kita kan ULTRAMEN... jadi kuat key..
ALLAH sayang mak kau.. semua orang akan hadapi benda yang sama.. hanya masa jer kita tak tau..
ko jangan sedih sebab ko ada kami(kengkawan).. family lagik key..
kawan kawan sayang ko ketat ketat..
jangan rasa sedih key.....

me and ajim..

ok... kami tahu ajim kuat la..
sebab dia ULTRAMEN....
cerita kisah hidup tetap  kena teruskan...
bila ajim tak der..
SHEEDY took over ajim punya bed..
and start the DISASTER lo..
HE wake up early in the morning and yell around...
"fuck off" shut up ur smelly mouth SHEEDY...
he was totally insane lo.. haha....
tapi nak buat macham mana.. dia memang macham tue.. ajim balik cepat.. tempat ko semak.. sheedy yang semakkan...

ijat still with he blog.. update his blogg each minutes..
"ijat" he using jam dinding brand.. lol..
shafiq hanif and achap..

that the way of life..
apa yang bleh aku chakap... kita nie just pinjam semua yang kita ada dari ALLAH.. so jangan perasaan hebat atau bagus.. walau kita hebat semacam mana pown ingat yang kita tak hebat mana langsung di mata ALLAH kalau sifat kita sesama maknusia pown cam hampeh jer...

Monday, January 3, 2011

As long as there's LOVE, there's also HOPE..

if i told you this song was written for you,
would you belive me?
it may not be melodious,affectionate or beautiful like other songs,
i want you to know that a love song can't be written without love.
but for you, my dear, did you know i wrote it easily?
maybe you've heard hundreds and thousands love songs,
they're probably meaningful, but their meanings are all the same,
but if you listen to this song, a song that's written only for you
and you understand the meaning, then our heart will be together as one.

let it be a song on the pathway we walk together on that consist of only your voice and mine,
lets us stay together forever,
just like a line from the poem:

there's many truths found in love,
and in the past i've spend alot of time searching for the meaning,
but i've just realised,
whenever you are close to me,
that if life's a melody, then you're the lyrics
that gives it meaning and make it beautiful.